What is my Company Profile for?

Your Company Profile is presents information about your firm, the industries you’re interested, your past experience, and more to other members that discover you via Search, the Newsfeed, Recommendations, etc. Company Profiles showcasing more information about your firm, especially past transactions, appear higher in Axial Search results.

For more information about your Company Profile and making the most of it, see our articles on adding tombstones and appearing towards the top of Axial Search results.

How do I reset my password?

If you’re having trouble logging into Axial and need to reset your password, follow these steps:

  1. Click “Login” in the top-right corner of www.axial.net
  2. Click “Lost Password”
  3. Enter the email address you use to log into Axial and click “Reset Password”
  4. Look for an email in your Inbox with the subject line “Reset Your Axial Password”
  5. Click the “RESET Your Axial Password” button in the email and follow the subsequent steps

If you do not receive that email or do not recall the email address you’ve used to log in to Axial in the past, please reach out to us at help@axial.net.

How do I add a colleague to my firm's Axial account?

The Axial team is happy to help you add colleagues to a firm-wide account. For any colleague you’d like to add, please send their:

  • First & Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Title

You can send this information to help@axial.net.